Dungeon Defenders Guide For Beginners

For those who are just starting out in the game Dungeon Defenders, and need tips such as which classes to start as? Then this is the article for you, even for those who have been playing awhile you may find some suggestions or information you did not know before.

The first tip on Dungeon Defenders guide for beginners is to either start out with a squire, or apprentice.The reason for this is simple it is much easier to start out with one of these classes, and learn the basics with.But if you are playing with freinds then you have more of a chance to get to know other classes without suffering to much.

The second tip is if you wish to start the next wave you can press "G" this will start the next wave without having to go all the way back to the Eternia Crystal.

The third tip is becareful using the jester class especially when playing by yourself.The reason is simple when your placing your presents down, and they open there is a chance for an ogre or multiple ogres to appear based on how many presents you placed down.If you have to it is recommended to place in front of your tower defenses to lower the risk of it getting to your Eternia crystal.

The fourth tip when playing the Series EV class make sure on maps with flying units that you have another class defense units up that can target air units.Since the Series EV class is unable to attack air units with his Defense units.

The fifth tip on Dungeon Defenders guide for beginners is that A Summoner class uses minion units instead of defense units.

This means A summoner can summon minion even if the defense units is maxed out at the moment.Note if the defense units capacity is 100 the minion unit capacity will be 100 as well.This will make it much easier to surive on Nightmare mode, and harder maps in general as well.

The sixth tip is that you should not worry about mana on the lower levels.This is because once you get to the later level you can get 50,000 mana or more per map.Which makes it a waste of time on the earlier levels only getting at most a few thousand mana per map instead, just focus on the levels while your a lower level.

The seventh tip on Dungeon Defenders guide for beginners is that do not bother picking up every item on the ground if you have no intention of ever using it.All the items on the ground will sell after every wave, and at the end of the map when you are getting ready to go to the next level.This is helpful especially when playing with other people so everyone gets mana instead of just one person.

If you have anymore useful tips please share with everyone down in the comments section.Also if you found this article useful please share it, or like it.Thank you for reading this article, and if you interested in other Dungeon Defender articles check the links below.

Top 3 Dungeon Defenders DLC you should buy.

Dungeon Defenders jester guide.

Dungeon Defenders Summoner guide.

Article Written by Rodney Fisher

YouTube Video Content creator.

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